Saturday, July 18, 2009

{ my weekly top 8 }

Ok, so I've been meaning to start this weekly post for a while now... it was supposed to debut yesterday, but better late than never, right?

This is my top 8 of the week... my random weekly post that is supposed to give you a little glimpse of, well, me. It's also supposed to be a little funny, but I'll let you be the judge of that - I guess it'll depend on what my week was like :-)

And, of course there will always be a photo at the end as a reward for all your hard reading.

So here we go:

Fave of the week: Josh baked! For those of you who don't know Josh- he's my hubby. And I don't think he has ever baked. Ever in his entire life. I can't even ask him to stir the spaghetti sauce every once in a while so I can run an errand (I tried that once, and I can home to a horribly stressed out wreck that had been standing over the pot of bubbling sauce sure that the bits of parsley were in fact burned pieces that had hopelessly ruined our dinner). Anyway, the yummy treat? Brownies... from the box, but delicious nonetheless. He even delivered to the couch, complete with a tall glass of milk. Yesssss.

New thing of the week: Yoga. Not exactly new, it's kind of on the old side, but it's new to me. I've always been a big believer in yoga, and I used to practice it regularly, but life has a tendency to get in the way of things and I kinda, sorta dropped it. Keep an eye out for a calmer, better balanced, more hippyish me.

Quirk of the week: I enjoy cutting nails.... a lot. I was actually overjoyed when Hunter (one of the little munchkins I take care of during the week) let me cuddle with him and cut his fingernails- simultaneously. I know there are other weirdoes out there who like it too... speak up.

Irk of the week: Time. You suck. Where do you go when I'm not looking? I could really use you right now.... jeez.

Blogger of the week: BlahBlahBlahger I love her photoFANatic blogs... just read it!

Laugh of the week: I love my iphone. I'd marry it if I could. The kids at work love it, too... especially the new voice recording application (ok, and they love the 'fart for free' application. It's gross, but so funny). Anyway, we spent a good hour taking turns telling silly stories to each other in the dark the other day. Here are a couple highlights... just give 'em a quick listen, they're short and sweet.

... Ok, I'm so so sad. I can't get it to work :-( Anyone know how to use an Mpeg-4 online?

Honorable mention: I had two awesome photoshoots this week... one was with my most awesomest sister-in-law, Karen and my nephew, Zack at the Circle of Orange. The other was an engagement session with one of my favorite couples, Kenny and Shannon (and Sophia, their little pixie of a daughter) in Laguna Beach. I can't wait to post photos... Stay tuned!

Photo of the week: this is the announcement I just made for my super new little client Jazelle (and her parents, of course). Her baby shower, bedroom, and everything else to do with her is jungle themed so I came up with this simple, girlie safari design.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is clever! I like your bloggin style, very cool and a fun raed :)

~Rachelle (jazelle's mommy)

July 20, 2009 at 12:21 AM  

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