Monday, July 27, 2009

{ my weekly top 8 }

Ok, here we go behind schedule again... sigh. Better late than never, right?

Well everyone, get ready for the 2nd ever installment of my Weekly Top 8. This random weekly post is my way of putting the 'real me' out there on the web, and giving people the opportunity to see what I'm all about. I'm not so great at just writing so I've gone with the ever popular (and probably overdone) survey approach... let me know what you think :-)

Fave of the week: I have to say one of my favorite things about my nanny gig is the silly things the kids say... with a straight face. You know, things that you generally wouldn't casually say to other people like, "Hold on, I gotta go poop and pee real bad," or just random statements like, "When you bake fish when they're dead, it's super yummy."

So the other day when I was driving with 5-year-old Zane I had to laugh when he said to me, in all seriousness, "Amanda, I have my arm out the window so don't flip the car over ok?" Uh, sure Zane, I'll wait until you pull your arm back in and put your helmet on. Whatta dork.

New thing of the week: I was lucky enough to shoot my first winery wedding this week! It was not only ridiculously gorgeous, but so so so fun as well (oh, and not to mention stupid hot, oh well, huh?). The food was fantastic, the wine was amazing, and the super cute DJ taught everyone the dance moves to Thriller. I'll post photos of all the fun-ness soon, stay tuned.

Quirk of the week: Ooooh, Josh just walked by me with a stack of fresh, clean laundry (that's right! Josh does the laundry... I cook and do the dishes, ok?). It smells soooo good! I just told him I wish our imaginary maid would wash our sheets every night... and you know what he said? He said, 'That's weird that you like the smell so much." Huh? What's not to love about a bed full of Downy freshness every night?

Irk of the week: Plantar fasciitis (thanks for the spelling help there, Google). AKA Crazy-heel-pain-itis. My feet ALWAYS hurt... it is the bane of my existence (other than how many calories are in a bottle of Blue Moon). Any time I don't wear soccer mom shoes I pay for it. And my old lady flip-flops with arch support from the ever expensive Walking Store just don't cut it. Plantar fascia inflammation, I hate you.

Blogger of the week: Daniel Tosh. I love you. Your show (Tosh.O Thursday nights on Comedy Central) is the funniest thing I've ever seen. Your blog is great. I want to marry it. Here's a clip that had me and Josh laughing for like 10 minutes... and then another 5 minutes 20 minutes later. It's a bit inappropriate... so consider yourself warned.

Laugh of the week: Ok, this was shot with my phone... don't judge on the photo quality! Haha. Anyway, when I got to work with the kids last Monday I saw this crime scene. It was horrific. I didn't know the kids had gotten big enough to pull a crime of this magnitude off.

Honorable mention: Sigh. Sometimes my day job is really tough. Like when I have to pack all 6 kids up and take them swimming all day at an awesome pool stocked with lots of awesome toys, and judge silly dive contests. Bummer for me.

Random photo of the week:
This week's photo comes from a couple weeks ago when an old high school friend had me photograph her whole family (25 people!). We hadn't seen each other in 9 years and it was sooooo weird seeing her all grown up. I have to say, though, that it was even more bizarre to realize that, if I thought she was all grown up, then that meant I was technically grown up, too... Ugh, adulthood is still just odd to me sometimes- I don't feel like I fit the bill yet, and that's ok by me :-)

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Anonymous Jessica Moreno Arias said...

Amanda you are soooo funny .. I love you for being so f-n funny... :)
Please post more blogs like this one...

July 28, 2009 at 3:13 PM  

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